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Technology Core


Picture of Peter Merrick

Peter Merrick

Born able to speak, Peter is a gifted orator who can impart wisdom with a wit and gravitas that has made him the darling of the technical education set. Peter has an extensive background in working in roles that he made his own and became a legend amongst his peers.

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TechnologyCore recycling tech for new purposes in Cambodia

Technology Core sees educating children as one of the most important ways to help them reach their potential and to continue to help them escape poverty and lead brighter futures. With that in mind, they wanted to be involved with ACC to help achieve its

Technology Core and Australian Collaboration Cambodia Trip 2023

Technology Core and Australian Collaboration Cambodia work together to supply refurbished interactive screens to schools in Cambodia

Initial Release

With the push towards e-cycling to enable companies to think about how they treat older technologies that are still working, Technology Core with its HDi manufacturing partner and Australian Collaboration Cambodia are excited to announce that in January 2023, they will be installing refurbished HDi Interactive Screens to schools in Cambodia as part of a charity visit to help children in poor communities with access to good used technology to improve their lives.

The Australian Collaboration Cambodia (ACC) is a charity set-up by a group of friends concerned about the plight of the poor in Cambodia, and each year they visit Cambodia on working trips to run projects aimed at improving the lives of Cambodian children. Everyone who attends volunteers their time and raise money before the trip to fund the projects that include building works, mentoring and educating children and tertiary students, purchasing of food items and running healthcare clinics. Technology Core, along with its HDi manufacturing partner, is assisting ACC by providing seven refurbished HDi Interactive Screens to schools and universities in Cambodia.

Christopher Carolane, Treasurer of the ACC and Reverend Canon at St. Pauls Cathedral in Melbourne, has been closely involved with several orphanages in Cambodia to help improve the lives of those children who through war, illness or poverty, have no one else left in their lives. All these kids are either orphans, their parents are in jail, or their parents have got mental illness and can’t look after them, so they’ve been abandoned,” he says.  

The ACC, along with other NGOs have been working to improve the lives of children but Christopher thinks there’s a long way to go. “I mean, we are a tiny little NGO, and there’s a lot of NGOs working in Cambodia, but there’s still a lot of poverty in the country,” he says.

Technology Core sees educating children as one of the most important ways to help them reach their potential and to continue to help them escape poverty and lead brighter futures. With that in mind, they wanted to be involved with ACC to help achieve its goals by offering refurbished HDi Interactive Screens to the schools in villages where they work. 

 Technology Core is sending 3×65” and 4×75” HDi Interactive screens to Cambodia that will be installed there to help provide further education using current technology to students in those villages. Andrew Shaw, the owner and director of Technology Core, feels that repurposing older screens is an amazing way to give technology to those who wouldn’t normally get access to it.

“Just because the screens have been used and replaced in an Australian school, doesn’t mean that they still can’t make an impact on children that have very different access to education than in Australia,” – Andrew Shaw.

Over a week from the 7th of January, Max Stevenson, Technology Core’s NSW BDM, will be installing screens in the various places in the Phnom Penh area of Bek Chan, as Christopher explains, “Broken Plate” in Khmer. Each location will be a unique experience, where the work Max is doing in installing the screens, and providing training to the teachers in these schools, will have a major impact on how and what children are taught by changing the way information is conveyed to them.

Although a little nervous in travelling to Cambodia and being worried about the language barrier when working with the schools, Max is counting down the days to when he is there. “I am super excited! I haven’t travelled through Cambodia before so it will be a great opportunity to learn more about their culture whilst helping take their technology to the next level,” he says.

As well as providing the screens, Max will be working to train Cambodian educators in how to use them in the best way they can. To help achieve the goal in giving the best training to teachers there, Technology Core will be holding virtual training from its showroom in Melbourne held by their ex-educator, Peter Merrick, with Max being there physically on site. “I’m really keen to not just install screens but implement solutions that the staff and students can integrate into their learning,” Max says.

Technology Core is looking to make their involvement with ACC and visits to Cambodian schools a more regular occurrence to really make a difference in the lives of Cambodian children. “This is very exciting for Tech Core, as we hope this is the start of a series of visits by us to Cambodia where we can really make a difference,” says Andrew.

If you would like to help make a difference too, please visit:  where donations can be provided to assist the group with being able to do even more in Cambodia.